How to use TrenchMapper

On this page we have a number of videos which show how to use Trench Mapper. All are between two and three minutes long. Whilst TrenchMapper is easy to use, spending a few minutes with these videos may help to show members how to use the facility. Simply press the 'play' icon in the centre of each of these images to watch the demonstration. It is possible to use the icon in the bottom right corner of each video to make the video 'full screen'.

In this introductory video we show how to move around the battlefield, zoom in and out, select maps and images and use the opacity control.

In this video, we show how to go to 'full screen' and use the 'street view' facility on TrenchMapper.

This is an overview of TrenchMapper, it demonstrates how to update the map list showing numbers of maps at given points, including 'maps at centre'. It also details other maps including 'Official History' maps.

Using 'find' and 'advanced find' to look for maps on TrenchMapper.

This video shows how to use Keyword search, and how to use trench map coordinates to locate places on TrenchMapper. It also demonstrates how to use the portal to find maps in the UK and in Gallipoli.

In the video here, we demonstrate the differences between the non-members and members versions of TrenchMapper and how to download free maps and purchase maps which can be download onto your PC.

It is possible to use markers, move them and otherwise manipulate these. There is also a Messines overlay - all of which is demonstrated here.

TrenchMapper is not just about maps, we also have lots of aerial images taken by the RFC/RAF. This video demonstrates the mosaic images that are available on TrenchMapper.

How to measure distances and using bearings on TrenchMapper.

Bringing a number of the above 'tutorials' together, we can show the intricacies of the TrenchMapper to look at a bunker on the Somme battlefield.

Further videos can be produced, but the above show the current options on The Western Front Association's TrenchMapper.




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